1) I've had to block an IP address at the server level because I thought the person was hotlinking to some of my graphics. Now that I think about it, the person may have just been copying the sample page's HTML and didn't delete my counter/stat provider code on his or her page. That would explain why pages from their computer were setting off my counter and showing up on my logs.
Please, when you copy HTML from my sample pages, delete or replace everything that is my content including the SiteMeter JavaScript and any irrelevant META tag descriptions and keywords.
2) A lot of my visitors are looking for "my space graphics" and I'm curious. I'm not sure if these visitors are newbies at web page building and using search engines, thus are using unclear search terms, or are looking for graphics for use at their myspace.com site. If the former, then using "web page graphics" or "web site graphics" is more closer to what they're looking for. If the latter, then those search terms make more sense, although using the terms I mentioned earlier would be better.
In any case, welcome to Arride Graphics! I hope you can find what you're looking for.
3) As for new things, I've been pretty busy this past summer with stuff outside of making graphics for you - going to ball games, buying a house with the hubby, my parents' birthdays, etc. So although I have a few sets started, I haven't finished a lot of them. They will be coming, since a lot of the activity is over with as of yesterday. October will begin anew.
But, no, my new site graphics is not one of those. I think I'll just go with the graphics I used previous to this one - recycle, you know. The graphics I was going to use will have to wait until next spring.
Can you believe three-fourths of the year is over, almost?
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