Monday, July 31, 2006

End-of-the-Month Notes

I wanted to release a new linkware web set today but don't have enough time to do it. So it will be released sometime in August. It's a really cool interface set and worth waiting for!

I will be unavailable from August 9 through August 23. If you need to contact me, go ahead and send that e-mail. If received before or after those dates, I'll reply as soon as possible. I don't intend to check e-mail during that period though. Work never interferes with play!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Contacting Me

If you need to contact me, whether it's about one of the graphics you downloaded or about this site, you can use the form on the Contact page. The form will send me your note to my e-mail address.

Now, my e-mail address is not in the form of my name at or webmaster at at all. I do not use my domain. Instead, I use a webmail service provided by with the domain of If you write to me, please include or my full address in the whitelist or filters of your webmail or e-mail client so that it does not get deleted or sent to the junk mail folder. You should review your junk mail folder regularly anyway so that legitimate e-mail does not get removed accidentally.

The reason why I'm writing this is that a person named Eve contacted me via the form and I sent an e-mail back to her the same day, but have not heard from her. I've sent two e-mails in total within a week and I'm afraid both of them have been junked. So this is a public message to her.

The following is my valid e-mail address, coded to deter 'bot harvesting. I willl put the same link on the Contact page for anyone not wishing to use the form.

Email Arride Graphics

Click the above to send me e-mail using your e-mail client. Otherwise, please use the form on the Contact page.


E-Cloaker from Codefoot - an e-mail address or text encoder using unicode

Friday, July 21, 2006

Page Changes

I've made some changes that will affect your viewing of some pages as well as possible bookmarks.
  1. In order for the backgrounds pages to load faster, I've divided up the top border pages further into three pages and the side border pages into five pages. All of the pages are accessible on the other pages by page number. The newest backgrounds are on the last page of each section and subsequent new backgrounds will be added to the last page.
  2. I've changed the username and password to access each background to easier to remember words or acronyms. The new username is "bg" and the new password is "look," both in lower case only and without the punctuation marks.
I hope these changes make for a faster browsing experience. In time, I may remove the username and password requirements on the backgrounds pages.

Thanks for visiting Arride Graphics!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cat's Eye Nebula Desktop Wallpaper!

I saw I hadn't offered this wallpaper before and started making it only to realize I had already done it but not uploaded it. Talk about senior moments! So much on my mind, I'm getting flakey.

Anyhoooo, I like the new version better than the old, particularly the colors I used with the text, so I dumped the old sets. Version 2 comes in three sizes to fit your monitor's resolution. Most of my visitors use 800x600 or 1024x768. You can find the thumbnail view and the download links to all three wallpaper sizes on the Wallpapers 2 page. Nice lime greens and oranges, just like my cats' eyes.

Check out the other wallpapers, too, if you're new to this site. Links can be found near the top of the page and the right side of the page. Wallpapers 1 contains 800x600 and 1024x768 space-themed wallpapers and Wallpapers 3 contains all non-space themes in up to three sizes (I changed the sizes offered in mid-page).

So stop by and see the site! More than just desktop wallpapers...stuff for decorating your web pages, too!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Visitor 10500!

I knew early last week this visitor was coming but totally missed his/ her arrival until today.

Visitor number 10500 actually came to the site on the morning of July 10th, their time. He or she hails from Germany, I'm guessing, as they use Deutsche Telekom AG to access the internet. They were using a computer with Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer 6, possibly at an internet café, though. The reason why I say this is this person was looking for a download of FontClerk, which is software that converts Windows True Type fonts to be compatible with
Mac OS 9. I can't imagine a Windows user being able to use that software because it's made to be used with Macs.

I know that software is a little hard to come by and even the download of the software by that name at TuCows states that is does something else. I think it's the same one that was offered at the Yamada Language Center when I first had the link to it on the Resources page, though.

Anyway, the search engine of choice was Google. Thanks for stopping by and hope that link helped.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

New Side Border Background!

Drawing from school days (yes, I know it's still only July and no one is ready to go back to school yet much less be reminded of it), today's offering is a side border background reminiscent of spiral bound notebook paper.

Note that in most cases the lines will not necessarily align with your text nor with the text anyone else sees on their monitor because everyone will have different default font settings. The workaround to this is to set the background in the table cell or content box to white or to use a white background tile. A white background tile can be found in the tiles page of this site.

Spiral Bound can be found here. Click the thumbnail image to open a new window with the full graphic on the page. Remember to enter the username and password found on the page. Then follow directions for downloading the graphic to your hard drive.

(note: edited 02/07/2008 to change link)