Friday, February 24, 2006

New Top Border Web Page Background!

Spring will be here soon and in anticipation of that event I've created a top border background with a red flower from the Spring Flowers tube. Not to be satisfied with just plunking it down on the graphic, it's softened with Virtual Painter into a watercolor and embellished with Bezier curve "leaves."

View the thumbnail here.

Be sure to use the username and password required to view the full-sized page which has more details and suggestions for the layout.

This will be it for February's offerings. Only four days left of this month. How time flies!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

New Background Tile Graphics!

Did some quick creations of two new mini-tiles and a solid color background tile. One of the mini-tiles is a jell heart, which, unfortunately, is a little too late for Valentine's Day but can be used for any "sweetheart" page. It has a white background. The other mini-tile is a shamrock, just in time for St. Patty's Day or whatever. The regular size tile in a solid color is green. This tile can be paired with the shamrock tile in the CSS code for the background, if you want something other than a white page which is the background color of the shamrock mini-tile.

View and download the mini-tiles here.

View and download the green background tile here.

All of the above background tiles created with Paint Shop Pro; mini-tiles created with PSP tubes also.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Another Milestone: Visitor 8000!

I'm so late in reporting this as usual. My husband and I have been busy remodeling a kitchen, entryway, and half bath which has taken up our weekends since September. Plus, during the week we've gone shopping for materials, etc. The spate of graphics I've been able to release lately are rare nowadays. So long story short, I missed the arrival of visitor number 8000.

He or she is on Earthlink
and hails from the Chicago, Illinois area. This visitor was looking for the Aramis font using the Viewpoint search engine on February 9th. They are a PC user with Windows XP and IE 6. Their search for the font would have taken them to my Resources page and then on to 1001 Free Fonts. They could also download the font on that page since it is okay for me to distribute it.

Thanks, visitor 8000, for visiting Arride Graphics!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Desktop Wallpaper: Jupiter System Montage

Man, am I on a roll this month!

I've just uploaded a new desktop wallpaper with a space theme of Jupiter and her moons. Comes in three sizes: 800x600, 1024x768 and 1152x864. Nice warm colors with this one.

Go to the second wallpapers page then click on the size you want to place on your computer's desktop.
A new window opens with the graphic on the page and follow the directions at the top of the page, mainly using your right-click or hover menu to set the graphic as desktop wallpaper or background.

Remember, these graphics are not meant to be used for web pages. Way too big. Enjoy!

Yikes! It's Another Heart Graphic

Before I get to the newest background tile graphic, I need to apologize profusely for making it difficult for anyone to download ANY background tile. I use a template for my main pages and those pages had a right-click disabling script and meta tag on them. So no one could use the right-click menu. I've fixed the affected pages.

On to the newest graphic: I call it "Heart-y" and it's another fancy heart background tile. In a change of process, I've included some sample pages where you can see how it looks tiled using both HTML and CSS. Hope you enjoy this addition to the Valentine or love-themed background graphics!

View the newest graphic.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New Valentine's Day Side Border Background!

Hey, just in time for Valentine's Day web pages or other such "love" pages is Fancy Art Heart. Originally created as a heart only graphic giveaway on my personal blog last year, it's reincarnated as a fancier web page background.

Okay, I confess. I didn't want to start from scratch so I dug up this graphic. I really like the look. It's made from Microsoft Webdings and prettied up using Paint Shop Pro 7. I'm thinking of making a smaller version of the original graphic to use as a mini-tile or maybe even using the original size for a background tile. Let me think about this a little more...

Anyway, enjoy using the background and remember to link back to me!

Short Downtime

The site experienced a short downtime today, Feb. 1, at approximatedly 7 a.m. PST as reported by one of my uptime monitors. It lasted about one hour. No other monitors reported this.